Thursday, December 08, 2005

20 Things that have happened since I stopped blogging.
1. It got cold
2. I became december
3. I got the part i wanted in the musical so you better come see it.
4. school sucks more
5. I suck at school
6. people are fun
7. the internet is really crazy 'cuase like whatever you put on it people will see
8. it almost snowed but it didn't (typical)
9. seth got cooler
10. I got married
11. we broke it off
12. i turned 18
13. i bought a lottery ticket
14. i won five dollars
15. i have sort of written two whole research papers
16. we like won state football and i was there and it was amazing
17. i decided to officially hate california
18. UCLA hates me 'cuase i'm from TN and I'm not asian
19. I had to take the SAT instead of going to a forensics tournament
20. I made a milkshake

See ya!

1 comment:

Mitch said...

I just read this post and nearly vomited. Judge my past. Harshly.