the blog of mitch miller
I don't care what you are about to say.
Wow. I wish you did. But I see you get your attitude from your mom, Sarah Palin.
she's not my mom, that'd be gross.
yeah, she is gross.
I'm annoyed that people legitimately hate her, or despise her, or think she's gross, or think she's an idiot because they don't know her. I like her 'cuase she's the most human politician I've seen in a while.
Nice, mitch.
that's crazy to me. i think she's cold. and fake. but whatever.
i HATE everyone!!!! AND YOU GUYS!!! AND...and....HYBRID CARS!!!!
her impregnated daughter (what's her name, stag? brick? flake? sock?) is the hot one.
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I don't care what you are about to say.
Wow. I wish you did. But I see you get your attitude from your mom, Sarah Palin.
she's not my mom, that'd be gross.
yeah, she is gross.
I'm annoyed that people legitimately hate her, or despise her, or think she's gross, or think she's an idiot because they don't know her. I like her 'cuase she's the most human politician I've seen in a while.
Nice, mitch.
that's crazy to me. i think she's cold. and fake. but whatever.
i HATE everyone!!!! AND YOU GUYS!!! AND...and....HYBRID CARS!!!!
her impregnated daughter (what's her name, stag? brick? flake? sock?) is the hot one.
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