Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 or Death and All of His Friends.

Dear 2008,

I wanted to be a fan, but not so much. You had so much promise: another country, a new president, the Olympics, a new Shyamalan film, a new Coldplay album. Yet, with all that good, you left me bitter, numb, angry, and a better person. You changed me 2008.

a new fear
a new president
a new hope
a new style
more coldplay
poor shyamalan films
the olympics
michael phelps
Bus Stop
new phobias
a dissapointment
a reality
unchangeable present
the underground
fantastic people
dear sweet tender precious chad
black mountain
angels in america
virgin atlantic
change, a year of change
islands ( i still hate them)
perpetual rain
crushed innocence
overwhelming faith
strength from nowhere
lowest of lows
new hope
new mexico
big sky
sing a new song

You lit fire of fear that had much to burn

I've never been more ready for a new year.

Stephen Sondheim says of America in Assassins
"I just heard
On the news
Where the mailman won the lottery.
Goes to show:
When you lose, what you do is try again.

You can be
What you choose,
From a mailman to a president.
There are prizes all around you,
If you're wise enough to see"

2008, you are either my biggest enemy or my greatest friend.


Thursday, December 25, 2008

It's a Wonderful Life

I never knew how much I think like you.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Everyone seems to look cooler in the desert. The pictures from New Mexico make us look far more action heroic than we really are, or at least that is true of myself. I am the least exciting action hero ever. I look dumb and awkward most of the time and that's when I'm not tripping over my own feet. However, somewhere inside of me is an extremely dangerous stunt driver. I don't know how he exists, I just know he's there.

Though I may look out of place there, I absolutely love the desert. It could be due to my infatuation with sand and geography but really I think it has more do with opportunity. Out West, it feels like you can do anything. I joked often that in many ways the desert is the opposite of England, which is why it currently feels so good. It's sunny, it's dry, it's pleasant, it's usually warm, and it's full of hope.