Saturday, September 04, 2004

Overly Critical

I'm tired of critics. I tired of people analysing everything. Can for once we just enjoy something for what it is good or bad. Do we always have to pick things apart and strip them of everything. Sometimes it is important to laugh at things that are funny whether they are stupid or incredibly clever. I am the most quilty of this. Does every story have to have some deep meaning that you are supposed to stay up late, look at stars, drink coffee, and think about. Not every movie, book, or people in general have to be like that. If everything was like that then our brains would hurt way more than they already do so we should quit trying to make them work so hard. Argh sorry guys if this is offensive but after reading a few more harsh reviews today I felt I needed to through all this out. In a strange way hurricanes make me happy. Oh Francis! If you wondering how this black and white girl at the top relates to all this, know that she is my beautiful sister Alyssa and she is supposed to represent innocence to what is good, bad, or great. I think if we approach movies, books, or people in general, more like that then maybe we could be happily suprised. Just maybe. After re-reading this I realized that this is all very hipocritical in itself and is most likely completely stupid. Thanks for visiting my blog.

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