Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Gosh, well okay.

Gaaahhh I'm really mad that I can't get my pictures to work. If someone knows how to fix my aol picture finder or hello or something let me know before I start world war three. Speaking of wars there's a bad one in Iraq and I get to read war of the worlds for summer reading. Score. Also the coolest thing happened today. At work Katelyn and I had to close all by ourselves and I had to count the drawer three times and it still wasn't right but that wasn't the good part. Seth and Arly came in today. (by the way seth and I wear the same clothes) and he was talking about the new film he wants to create this summer and he asked me to be in it and I"m steller excited. If this is as close as I get to film I"ll die a happy man. I don't care if I have to run around naked with my nipple on fire I get to be in a Worley film. Woo hoo. I rained today. Way to go God! I love it.

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