Monday, March 24, 2008

Hello, I'm Tim the Satanist

This is a clip from Pub Comedy, the play I have been working on for the past few weeks. It could be the most plagiarized work ever written. None the less the experience made this semester immensely more worth while and insanely fun. This is a clip of a character named Tim who happens to a Satanist, whose beliefs I do NOT in fact endorse . The character was based on an actual guy who was a Satanist and ironically was incredibly nice.


Anonymous said...

satanists are not "ironically" nice. they are "obviously" nice. they believe in the 'eye for an eye' thing. "if a man slaps you on one cheek, bash him on the other" is i think one of their mottoes. this may sound violent, but it's basically saying that satanists don't treat others negatively, like some people assume, unless they are treated negatively first. i dunno. i don't explain it very well. i was just kind of insulted by your "ironically nice" thing. but i can see how you think it's ironic. sooo whatever.

Anonymous said...

mitch....just a few more days.....