Thursday, August 26, 2004

Doh I pressed enter again. Well atleast now you get two pictures from the Crucible. We finished watching it today in class and of course half of us were crying our eyes out. Except for the few, the proud, the ones who show no emotion. I unfortunately fall in this group. I am even more excited now to do The Crucible now. It's going to be really hard though. This shot of Abigail and Tituba dancing in the forest. This is basically why the whole Salem witch trial started. All you need for background on the Crucible is that Abbagail is a ho. (sorry for the term but it's the nicest next to ... well) You absolutely hate her by the end and so naturally all the girls want that part. Why? I don't know. I'm still working on that. I will be trying out for Giles Corey. He is to one who gets crushed to death by the Puritan's who put rocks on his chest. Oh the excitement. A part from that The Crucible could possibly be one of the saddest plays in the entire world. I love it. It'll take some work though. oh and I told my Life Group that I work for LoveSac and they laughed a lot I don't think they really understood what I meant. yellow squash. Posted by Hello

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